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Sam's Classroom

language + race + education
Research Interests
Applied Linguistics; Educational Linguistics; language ideologies; race, culture, and identity; culturally and linguistically sustaining pedagogy; critical language pedagogy; multiraciality; Asian American Studies; dialogic teaching; Equitable Classroom Talk; discourse analysis; critical ethnography.

Harris, S., & Lee, J. S. (2021). Korean-speaking spaces: heritage language learning and community access for mixed-race Korean Americans. International Journal of Multilingualism.
Harris, S. (2022) Shape shifting across global Korea: Identity performances of mixed-race Korean heritage speakers. In Lee, J. W. (Ed). The Sociolinguistics of Global Asias. Routledge.
Harris, S., & Lee, J. S. (2022). Korean as a Heritage Language. In The Routledge Handbook of Korean as a Second Language (pp. 437-453). Routledge.
Lee, J., Meier, V., Harris, S., Bucholtz, M. & Casillas, D. (2020) School kids investigating language in life and society: Growing pains in creating dialogic learning opportunities. In A. Kibler, G. Valdés, & A. Walqui (Eds.), Reconceptualizing the Role of Critical Dialogue in American Classrooms: Promoting Equity through Dialogic Education. Routledge.
Coming Soon
A collaborative re-examination of the "Academic" in "Academic Language" through analysis of language in use and knowledge building in practice by professional scientists and youth engaging in research
A teaching-research partnership that demonstrates how reflexivity shapes practice and the navigation of ideologies of monolingualism
A qualitative study of Korean language instructors' attitudes towards Hallyu and Hallyu fans in their classrooms
A collective auto-ethnographic reflection and Critical Mixed Race Studies perspective for East Asian heritage language education and research
Selected Presentations
Gonzalez-Cruz, M., Cisneros, D., & Harris, S. (2023, May 26) Language Mapping: Recognizing the Linguistic Variation and Complexity of Students Categorized as “English Learners”, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education Research Symposium, Presentation at University of California Santa Barbara
Wong, K., Harris, S., & Tsai, A. (2023, March 20) Beyond Monoracial Paradigms: A Critical Mixed-race Perspective for East Asian Language Classrooms, Presentation at American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland OR
Leu Bonanno, S., & Harris, S. (2023, March 4) Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Leadership for APIDA Students and Families. California Association of Asian and Pacific Leaders in Education (CAAPLE) Symposium: Lifting As We Climb, at Canyon Middle School, Castro Valley, CA.
Harris, S. (2022, June 4) Making the Unfamiliar Familiar: Teaching about Raciolinguistic Ideologies through a Relational Framework of Asian American History. Presentation at Asian/American Studies Symposium, at the University of California Santa Barbara
(2022, April 8) Organizer. Sharing Counter Narratives of Graduate School, at Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, Hosted by the Graduate Student Association of Education at the University of California Santa Barbara
Harris, S. (2021, April 11). Korean-Speaking Spaces: Heritage Language Learning and Community Access for Mixed-Race Korean Americans, Presentation at American Educational Research Association Conference, Online
Lee, J.S., Meier, V. and Harris, S. (2019, March 9). Creating Affordances for Multilingual Learners as Agents of Sociolinguistic Justice, Presentation at American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, Sheraton Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
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